OHSA – A New Law on Safety & Security at the Workplace

The Occupational Health & Safety Authority (OHSA) has recently issued a leaflet to outline the basic tenets of the new law. In case you missed it or are not in Malta, here are the key points. Every worker counts and every worker can contribute to the safety and security of the workplace. The main objectives of the new law are the following: Key responsibilities: The OHSA offers a helpline – 158 – for more information or any difficulties. If you … Continued

Opinion: A Commercial Court for Malta ?

Earlier in 2017, the Ministry for Justice, Culture and Local Government held a public consultation, titled “Setting up of the Civil Court, First Hall, Commercial Section“.  This was concluded in July 2017. While we have not been active in commercial litigation for a relatively long while, we still believe that this is the way forward.  Questions included whether there should be a commercial section within the civil arm of the Maltese courts, and whether the remit should be wider than matters … Continued

Meet Geraldine Spiteri !

I was admitted to practice law in 2002 and is a member of the Chamber of Advocates. I subsequently qualified in the specialised areas of EU and Comparative Law (Magister Juris at University of Malta) and International Maritime Law (LL.M. at the IMO International Maritime Law Institute).I lecture at the MCAST Maritime Institute and MCAST Institute of Agribusiness, as well as the European Institute of Education in matters relating to maritime law. I have served as a judicial assistant at … Continued