Travelling on Business

Everyone who knows me, is familiar with my love of travel. This extends to the large number of business trips that I embark on as part of my career. Most of my trips surround the work in relation to superyachts and aircraft, although sometimes I need to travel for more generic conferences and meetings. The yacht and aircraft shows provide a joy of being present, even if the networking is gruelling and entails long days. Events, fairs, conferencies, parties – … Continued

Friendship – What is it?

I have often thought about what friends I have.  I have not, for a very long time, thrown all friends into one basket.  I also think that people can only handle things that are within their sphere – so for example, it is useless discussing the opera with someone like me, because I don’t get it.  I have friends for different things, but usually it revolves around sharing. I don’t do one-way relationships – that is not friendship, that is … Continued

Opinion: A Commercial Court for Malta ?

Earlier in 2017, the Ministry for Justice, Culture and Local Government held a public consultation, titled “Setting up of the Civil Court, First Hall, Commercial Section“.  This was concluded in July 2017. While we have not been active in commercial litigation for a relatively long while, we still believe that this is the way forward.  Questions included whether there should be a commercial section within the civil arm of the Maltese courts, and whether the remit should be wider than matters … Continued