Best in Yachting Awards – 2018

I recently had the pleasure of being nominated by the Malta Business Review to sit on a panel of judges during the Malta Best In Business Awards 2018, to be held at Castello Dei Baroni in Wardija, Malta.

Besides myself, there were other reputable members of the adjudication panel, and the nominees varied.  The Awards were held as part of the Malta Best in Business Awards, an annual event hosted by Malta Business Review as part of its ongoing efforts to bring new business to the fore.

Participants were varied, and included the Chetcuti Cauchi group as well as the SMS Group, The Original Shinx and other Maltese enterprises that have achieved much during 2018 in terms of service excellence.

I had the pleasure of awarding the prize of Best in Shipping to SMS Shipping, the shipping agency of SMS Group.   Both SMS and Chetcuti Cauchi received a number of awards in their respective areas of excellence.

We look forward to a prosperous 2019.



By Geraldine Spiteri

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