The Malta Bargains Decision – Clarifying the Position of Authorities

In a recent judgement of the Competition and Consumer Tribunal, the Office for Competition obtained confirmation that a public authority, in its dealings with market players, does not qualify as an ‘undertaking’ in terms of the Competition Act, unless it is actually performing a commercial function in the market. The case concerned a subsidy granted by the Malta Tourism Authority to tourism operators: the claimant alleged that the authority discriminated against it in the grant of said subsidy when compared … Continued

Managing Your Family Business

Every owner of a closely-held family business wants to know the business will continue—even thrive—once they’re gone. A well run, well managed family business can provide for you and your loved ones long after you’ve stepped down from its operation. It can even support your family after you’re gone.   Malta has a reliable trusts legislation akin to other more experienced jurisdictions and thereby draws on that experience in its drafting and administration. While not holding a trust authorisation in … Continued