Dr Geraldine Spiteri

Dr Geraldine Spiteri began to practice law and became a member of the  Malta Chamber of Advocates in early 2002, having completed the law course at the University of Malta. In 2024, she set up Asteria Advisory.

Other Qualifications

Alongside her law degree, she undertook the Diploma in Matrimonial Jurisprudence (Canonical Law relating to Marriages) from the Archdiocese of Malta.  This qualification means she can represent clients before the Ecclesiastical Tribunal in Malta, in marriage nullity cases.

Geraldine also qualified in EU and Comparative Law (Magister Juris at University of Malta) in 2003.  In 2007 she obtained her Masters in International Maritime Law (LL.M. at the IMO International Maritime Law Institute, a subsidiary of the International Maritime Organisation), having received a scholarship from the IMO IMLI Board of Studies.

Areas of Practice

  • Maritime Law
  • Aviation Law
  • EU Law
  • Public International Law
  • Company & Commercial Law
  • Telecommunications & IT Law
  • General Commercial Practice

Work and Involvements

Dr Geraldine Spiteri has headed up the marine and aviation departments of several corporate and legal firms in Malta between 2013 and 2024. In the past, she had also worked as a freelance advocate in telecoms, EU and competition law and general commercial legal practice. In late 2024, Geraldine decided to reopen her own practice.

Since 2009, Geraldine has lectured several subjects at different institutes within MCAST – including maritime law, aviation law, fisheries law and general business law. She has also been a guest lecturer in other institutions and has sat on the board of examiners for specialised topics within the law course at the University of Malta.

For a few years, Dr Geraldine Spiteri served as a judicial assistant at the Courts of Justice, Malta, which is a semi-judicial role. This position involved judges in their court cases, by compiling reports on legal matters (jurisprudence and texts) to support a judgement.

For almost 3 years, Geraldine held the post of director at the Office for Competition (Malta). This opportunity opened up a world of experience in terms of team management as well as exposure to international / EU relations in representation of the Maltese Government.  This included attendance at several meetings of the European Commission, specifically the Directorate for Competition.


You may contact Dr Geraldine Spiteri here if you have any queries. You may also wish to follow her LinkedIn profile.