Learning to love water again

I seem to have gotten into some rut – that of craving other drinks besides water: cola, especially cola zero or pepsi max. Maybe fruit juice or something like that. Not very healthy-lifestyle focussed!

I used to drink water by the gallon. I loved drinking water. Most times, I couldn’t be bothered with anything else. I seem to have moved away from it. I also tend to go for sparkling water.

Until I taste water in a refreshingly cool glass. The I remind myself: “Geraldine, drink more water!” Pointers into a healthy lifestyle include adequate water intake. This helps prevent hunger pangs and keeps the body hydrated.

Someone told me that sparkling water isn’t as great for the body. Of course, it is better than fizzy drinks, coffee or juice. The heavy intake of coffee and cola sometimes makes me sleepless at night. It is beginning to have an effect on me. I must be careful – and I need water.

Writing about it should help me commit. I have committed to a healthy lifestyle and I believe that with some solid work, I will get somewhere.

So here is to trying again – and my first step shall be: resuming my intake of water!

By Geraldine Spiteri

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