The Women-In-Maritime Initiative

A few years ago, I gave a speech in an IMO International Maritime Institute (IMLI) discussion on women in the maritime industry. The IMLI Board of Studies had given me a scholarship to read my masters in 2006 (completion in 2007) so this seemed a good opportunity to give something back. Today, I once again attended a similar-themed breakfast, She Leads the Seas. This conference focussed on the opportunities for women in this industry which is so traditionally heavily led … Continued

OHSA – A New Law on Safety & Security at the Workplace

The Occupational Health & Safety Authority (OHSA) has recently issued a leaflet to outline the basic tenets of the new law. In case you missed it or are not in Malta, here are the key points. Every worker counts and every worker can contribute to the safety and security of the workplace. The main objectives of the new law are the following: Key responsibilities: The OHSA offers a helpline – 158 – for more information or any difficulties. If you … Continued

Travelling on Business

Everyone who knows me, is familiar with my love of travel. This extends to the large number of business trips that I embark on as part of my career. Most of my trips surround the work in relation to superyachts and aircraft, although sometimes I need to travel for more generic conferences and meetings. The yacht and aircraft shows provide a joy of being present, even if the networking is gruelling and entails long days. Events, fairs, conferencies, parties – … Continued

Monday Blues. Is there scientific evidence?

The term “Monday Blues” refers to the feeling of sadness, lethargy, or lack of motivation that some people experience at the beginning of the workweek, particularly on Mondays. While it is a commonly used expression, it is not a formally recognized medical or psychological condition. Instead, it is more of a colloquial term to describe a mood or emotional state. So, is it true? There is some scientific evidence that supports the idea that people may experience negative emotions or … Continued

Learning to love water again

I seem to have gotten into some rut – that of craving other drinks besides water: cola, especially cola zero or pepsi max. Maybe fruit juice or something like that. Not very healthy-lifestyle focussed! I used to drink water by the gallon. I loved drinking water. Most times, I couldn’t be bothered with anything else. I seem to have moved away from it. I also tend to go for sparkling water. Until I taste water in a refreshingly cool glass. … Continued

Alone you can go fast, together we can go further!

BEUC’s Consumer PRO motto rings an important bell in our minds. They remind us that collaboration is essential! Capacity building is an important concept. The laws have changed hugely (view our past posts). They are now more favourable to consumers while clarifying certain obligations for traders and harmonising the rules on consumer protection. The training in 2020 covered general consumer protection updates as well as the digital rights aspect of the EU consumer law framework. In 2022, another arm was … Continued

Representative Actions Directive – the deadline is coming soon!

The Representative Actions Directive comes into force half way through 2023 and the deadline for implementation by EU Member States is at the end of this year. Malta has just launched a public consultation – which ends on the 25th November – and it is hardly likely that the law will be adopted be on time. Not new to Maltese Law! There already is a Collective Procedures Act – Chapter 520 of the Laws of Malta – which contemplates a … Continued